This page outlines guidelines and best practices that are useful for all MSA meetings. To name a few, board meetings, leadership meetings and committee meetings should follow these bylaws.
Every meeting should have a designated meeting facilitator. For board meetings this is the President. The Internal Vice President and Committee Heads are the facilitators for leadership meetings and committee meetings respectively.
Below is a list of responsibilities that the meeting facilitator should uphold in general. Depending on the meeting, these responsibilities may be modified.
All meetings should have meeting minutes outlining the topics that are to be discussed and any resulting action items. Meetings without minutes are not time efficient and are rarely productive. It is the responsibility of the meeting facilitator to draft and send out meeting minutes at least 24 hours in advance.
All MSA meeting minutes use this template. Meeting facilitators must use this template to maintain continuity between all meetings from various branches of the association and across many years.
All meeting minutes should be saved in the appropriate folder in the UCBMSA Google Drive. This is in the board folder for board meetings and in the committees folder for leadership and committee meetings. Meeting minutes documents should be named with the following format: YYYY MM/DD Meeting Minutes
It is generally good practice to include the date of a meeting in the meeting minutes title when it is saved. Always begin by including the year first followed by the month and day. Sorting by name will allow you to order meeting minutes documents chronologically.
Some meetings require attendance and penalize participants for being absent or tardy a specific number of times. Other meetings have voluntary meeting attendance. In either case, it is important to be able to look back at a meeting and know who was present. At the top of the meeting minutes template you will notice a Members Present:
field. The meeting facilitator should list out all participants' names here during each meeting.
The first entry in a meeting minutes document should be an Agenda Discussion Order
heading where an overview of the main agenda topics is listed. Be sure to include a discussion wrap-up time by each item. The facilitator will reference this time during the meeting to keep discussion on track.
Next, the Agenda Items
heading is where more elaborate notes are taken before and during the meeting. The main discussion items should match those listed in the Agenda Discussion Order
The next heading is a space where meeting participants may add discussion points they would like to discuss during the meeting. The facilitator should check this section before the beginning of every meeting and alter the agenda order to accomodate for topics that participants want to address.
A meeting without action items is usually unproductive. During meeting discussions, the facilitator may assign tasks to various individuals. S/he should quickly make note of the task and the name of the person that was assigned the task under this heading. After the meeting, the facilitator will follow up with participants regarding the progress of their action items.
In the midst of heavy planning and logistics, our Islamic purpose and intentions can easily be forgotten. It is encouraged that all MSA meetings begin and end with a form of reconnection to our Islamic teachings. This can be achieved in a number of ways.
In order to have fruitful discussions where everyone feels included, a comfortable meeting environment should be established. It is often helpful to begin every meeting with a 30 second personal check-in from everyone in the room. This exercise has a number of advantages:
Facilitators who choose to incorporate personal checkins at the beginning of their meetings should be careful to watch the clock during this exercise. People like to ask questions which stem into tangent conversations, leaving less time for more important topics.
The productivity of a meeting relies on the cooperation and professional conduct of all participants. All meeting attendees will be expected to abide by the following expectations.
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